Monday, January 15, 2007

$hit Happens!

What a weekend!!! It's funny how shit happens when you least expect it or well you just really don't know when things can go wrong... I was driving my g/f's SUV (I normally drive a mustang) minding my own business on the freeway going at speed of traffic approx. 75mph when suddenly this van tries to barge into my lane (I was on the lane next to the fast lane) the dumbass wasn't paying attention because he just started moving in... he almost side-swiped me and my reaction was to get out of the way... I swerved to avoid the hit and my sudden move and a combination of crappy tires and a tall car made me lose control of the vehicle... I struggled to regain control as i was zig-zagging through the lanes and finally did a 180 degree spin and crashed into the center concrete divider... phew... I very calmly look over to my g/f "are you ok?" she said yeah are you? -- I'm ok. Wow... can you imagine if we would have hit a car in the process? what a mess we could have caused on the freeway! and what's worse is that the person in the van probably didn't even know what he had caused, he sure didn't stop to see if we were ok. Thank God we didn't flip over! So anyway... what to learn from this experience?

* Watch the road people!! make sure nobody is in your blind spot
* If you are driving an SUV remember to not make any jerky movements
* Remain calm at all times
* Learn from your experience don't make the same mistake all over again
* Getting new tires? don't go for the el cheapo ones... traction control is extremely important!
* Be thankful that you are alive, this shit can happen to anyone, we got lucky, but so many things could have gone way worse.
* Always wear your seatbelt it sure kept us in place while we were spinning!

Don't take life for granted... life is way too short, so many things can happen in our daily lives... you are here today hey you may be gone tonight or crippled in a hospital bed tomorrow... Live in the present, let go of the past and stop worrying about the future... your life is happening right NOW as you are reading this... enjoy it to the fullest... get outta here go have some fun!

1 comment:

Coca said...

this post remains me a old song called "Everybody’s free (to wear sunscreen)".. well you still here and amen!!!